Our Services

Commons Capital provides bespoke financial solutions to help individuals, families, businesses and institutions build, preserve and manage wealth.

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A relationship with Commons Capital begins with a conversation. We ask about our client’s goals and help evaluate them. We adopt a holistic approach by analyzing current balance sheets and cash flows within the context of a client's financial profile, lifestyle objectives and attitude toward risk, and then develop an Investment Policy Statement (IPS).

To execute the plan, we leverage the intellectual capital of our seasoned team and the network of our independent partners.

We bring together the disciplines, perspectives and skills needed to support our philosophy — to always put your interests first.

  • Investment Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Family Office Services
  • Aggregated Reporting
  • Retirement Income Planning
  • Legacy Planning
  • Private Banking
  • Philanthropic Gifting
  • Educational Planning
  • Risk Management

Investment Management

We are diligent about understanding and measuring the sources of risk so they can be managed appropriately. Our investment philosophy is based upon a scientific approach to disciplined investing established under the Modern Portfolio Theory.

Generating performance is only one part of portfolio management, in our view. Risk management is of equal importance in an attempt to minimize losses and provide the best investor experience. We think the ability to manage risk during different market conditions is a better indicator of a successful portfolio manager, rather than taking unnecessary risks to drive performance.


Utilize the Modern Portfolio Theory to create an “efficient” portfolio


Overweight and underweight asset classes, sectors, industries and regions based on market conditions


Pair active and passive strategies


Limit position size - avoid concentration


Daily monitoring at a granular level


Thorough time-tested fundamental and technical analysis


Hedging risk during significant downturns

Actively Managed Portfolios

Our portfolios are constructed with individual securities spanning a wide range of investment objectives to emulate the style utilized by large institutions.

Our goal is to maximize risk adjusted returns, while staying true to the individual portfolio objective. We strive to generate consistent returns with lower volatility than the commensurate benchmark.

Commons Capital Model Portfolios


The Growth Equity Portfolio is designed for moderately aggressive investors who want to achieve above-average growth return of principal. The portfolio focuses on companies with consistent, above-average earnings growth demonstrated over time under a variety of economic circumstances. We seek to produce long-term excess returns versus the benchmark over a full market cycle by investing in companies that have strong sustainable sales and earnings growth, dominant market share within their industries, strong balance sheets, and defendable business models.

Growth & Income

The Growth & Income Portfolio is designed for moderate investors who want to utilize a cross-section of stocks that combine income growth for inflation protection and earnings growth for wealth accumulation. The model provides a total return approach from liquid, well-known industry leaders. Earnings growth potential is likely to be below that of the more growth-oriented models; likewise, the dividend yield may be significantly below that of income-oriented portfolio models, but the expected dividend growth rate is often higher than for pure income models.


The Income Equity Portfolio is designed for moderate investors who want to obtain an ongoing secure income stream from what we view as dependable sources, with some emphasis on protection of principal. It is unique in its relatively high dividend yield with diversified holdings across all GIC sectors


The International Equity Portfolio is designed to address investors who seek growth through international investments, while maintaining broad regional diversification. The portfolio is weighted more toward developed markets with some emerging market exposure. Volatility, currency fluctuations, geopolitical risk, variances in dividend income and the growing presence of emerging markets can magnify the range of returns.

Fixed Income

The Fixed Income Portfolio is designed to emphasize capital preservation and income from what are considered the highest-quality securities. Generally, the portfolio is comprised of certificates of deposits (CDs), Treasuries, municipal bonds and corporate bonds, which are typically low-risk securities with an ascertained interest.


The Multi-Asset Class Portfolio combines all the disciplines found in our various models to create a nimble and broadly diversified portfolio. The allocation consists of exposure to equities, fixed income, real estate, preferred stock, hard assets, alternatives and cash equivalents. This wide-ranging strategy allows for enormous flexibility to meet or potentially exceed expected goals and objectives.

Financial Planning

Comprehensive financial planning is more than the active management of investments. It is more than the creation of a retirement plan and it goes well beyond routine analysis of a portfolio. It is the act of planning for, and prudently addressing life events. It addresses everything from running a business, to planning for a child’s education, preparing for eventual retirement or creating a plan for your estate. It should also address potential events that can drastically alter your long-term financial security.

There are six basic steps we can take to determine the best route to achieve your financial goals and prepare for the future:


Set goals - both short and long-term


Gather data - both quantitative and qualitative


Identify challenges and opportunities


Developing and presenting financial planning recommendations/alternatives


Implementing the financial planning recommendations


Monitoring, reviewing and adjusting your financial plan

Family Office Services

Our multi-family office concierge services are dedicated to simplifying the complexities that are bestowed upon the ultra-high-net-worth community. All of our services are customized to meet the specific needs of each relationship and are available à la carte. Our deep experience in serving as fiduciaries enables us to share insights with our clients that distinguish us from other family office providers.

Achieve Seamless Harmony Across Your Financial Ecosystem

Goals-based Planning & Investing

Differentiating strategies for tax-efficient portfolios.

Tax Strategy & Planning

Proactive solutions to minimize capital gains and tax exposure.

Wealth Strategy & Liquidity Planning

Bespoke roadmap process for sophisticated wealth planning.

Public & Private Investments

Access to curated private market opportunities.

Estate Planning, Trusts & Philanthropy

Protect you family, plan your legacy and fuel your passions.

Private Banking Services

Personalized and dedicated care for all of your wealth needs.

Family Governance & Education

Guiding wealth decisions across generations.

Lifestyle & Wellness Resources

Enrich your family's behavior to enjoy your wealth.

Aggregated Reporting

Commons Capital provides comprehensive reporting to ensure that our clients have an accurate and complete view of their wealth. We believe in customization and our consolidated reports are designed to provide information the way you want to see it and where you want to see it. Our client experience portal can be accessed via a web browser or our app (Apple and Android). We have the ability to aggregate data from all your investments, including accounts held at other institutions, alternative investments, real estate, and other private holdings. Our reports help provide clients with insights into performance, risk, liquidity, asset allocation and allows for sophisticated wealth planning on the entire asset base.


Customized content that matches your profile and preferences


Portfolio dashboard provides a personal, on-demand look at performance, projected income, allocations, activity summary, and more.


Documenting the financial journey by posting meeting notes and important decisions within the Relationship Timeline.


Two-way, secure document vault makes sending, storing, and auditing files a seamless experience.


Outside account aggregation provides the ability to review net worth information and create detailed balance sheet reporting.


Built in financial planning dashboard to stay on track and monitor the likelihood of reaching your goals.

